Friday 22 February 2013

8 Ways to Optimize for Humans: The Art of Data-Driven Social Marketing


AimClear CEO Marty Weintraub took to the stage this morning to deliver a fantastic and entertaining keynote on optimizing for humans.
In the SES London Day 3 keynote, Weintraub talked about methods to expand your social media strategy while focusing on immediately actionable paid and organic social tactics.
Technology change is a constant but people don’t change. Hence, marketers always have to optimize for humans.
Below are a few, of many, key takeaways ‘mashed’ up with further insight and structure to help you digest this very creative content.

1. Go Psychographic

Psychographic research is all about collecting user information in a way similar to how you would look at keyword research in SEO.
Psychographic research and variables are any attributes connecting users’ personalities, values, attitudes, interests and lifestyles or, as some might say, interests, activities and opinions.
Psychographic variables complement and contrast classic demographic variables (like gender and age), behavioral attributes (like loyalty and usage habits), and firmographic variables (such as industry, seniority, and functional area).
Once you’ve got information about a user, you can get much better results from refining how you target them.
As Weintraub put it: “selling late night pizza delivery to people who drink and smoke weed.”

2. Amplify

Amplify your content based on psychographics and use this data to drive organic community outreach and paid-organic amplification.
An example of amplification could be running an advert that looks like an organic piece of featured content on Facebook. Friends of friends can't see as much information as they have in the past so amplifying your message helps distribute the message for you.

3. Discover

A key area of focus in the keynote was based around how to identify socially plugged-in authority users along classic lines of search conversion semantics history.
Look for people engaging in conversations on topics that matters to you and your clients and then engage with them.
For example, if you are looking for people talking about sandals and styles then look for evangelists talking about it on the brand page, identify market keyword and discover conversational phrases.

4. Map

Mapping search to social is a must. If you’re using Facebook ads but not segmenting users, then you are not your social graph to your customers.
Map keywords to conversations and users. Train your community managers to do this. Look at conversations and topics that will generate value to your social media campaigns.

5. Mash

Use a combination of organic and paid social media tactics to leverage the data you are discovering and mapping.

6. Target

Target deep and identify association with demographics and interests and remember that retargeting and third party audience modeling matters to community managers and content marketing.
Types of targeting include
  • Whole Human Targeting: Occupation, groups and affiliations, on and offline publications, product categories, classic mainstream interest, freaky predication, and competitor targeting.
  • Literal targeting: The obvious hockey sticks to hockey players type targeting.
  • Inferred targeting: Minivans to those who Like “Being Pregnant”.
  • Competitive targeting: Future Litigation.
  • Symbiotic targeting: Qualifiers, luxury, gender, age, geography.

7. Analyze

Probe killer social media paid tactics to target the “whole user” in social channels. Open up your mind about how retargeting and third party audience modeling matters to community managers and content marketing and build new key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring social media efforts, including “friend leads” and conversion.
Look at “share of voice” and compare how many people are talking about your brand versus your competition. Perform a deep dive into demographics and attribute leads to the right source.

8. Read

For the full scoop on the keynote content read “The Complete Social Media Community Manager’s Guide” authored by Weintraub and Lauren Litwinka.
  • Targeting is at risk.
  • Psychographics are more than just Facebook ads.
  • Reach out to people and don’t just welcome.
  • Follow public data and engage.
  • Be charming.
  • Seek recent themed conversations.
  • Use creative hacks to find these conversations.
  • Chrome translation is your friend.
  • Amplify content to psychographics.
  • Remember that Journalists use social media also.
  • Measure who’s in your community.
  • Monitor brand and concept.

SES London 2013: Day 3

Here's a recap of more live coverage of SES London 2013 Day 3:
Reference:- \

Ebriks Infotech:-SEO Company

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