Saturday 23 February 2013

How To Find In-Demand Topics For Your Online Business

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When I first got into the Internet marketing arena, I was stumped on how to find in-demand topics and products to sell.
I mean where do you start?
I was scared that I would choose the wrong market and make absolutely no money.
Talk about feeling overwhelmed. But until you choose something you will never know and you will make nothing.
It stands to reason that the more interest there is in a topic the more likely you’ll be able to sell stuff.
So the two questions that you have got to ask yourself are:
1. How and where can I find ideas and topics that are in demand now?
2. How can I judge demand or interest toward an idea?
Well the good news is, there are a number of ways to find these topics and judge what the demand is.
I have put together the top five resources I use to assess a market or idea. Here we go:
1. Clickbank
Most people have heard of clickbank, but in case you haven’t it is one of the world’s largest marketplace for digital downloaded products in every conceivable market you can think of with the added benefit that you can become an affiliate and promote them.
When you land on the homepage, along the top there is a tab called “marketplace,” click on this and select your chosen niche that you are considering.
For the purposes of this article lets use “weight loss.” Then go to “sort results by” click on popularity and hey presto it gives you the best selling in that category. How cool is that! Focus on the top 10 for ideas.
2. Amazon
This site needs no introduction. If you haven’t heard of it you must have been living under a rock!
Head over to the books section let’s again use weight loss as an example. Enter this keyword in and it will list and rank in order of popularity the books and subjects within this niche that are currently selling and what people are buying right now.
3. Google
Put into a normal Google search your niche such as weight loss as in the above example.
Now, pay special attention to the first results page and the paid ads that are normally listed on the first three results and on the right hand side.
If people are paying for these ads to get onto the first page of Google, they must be selling well and making money.
Take note of the types of products listed.
4. Article directories
Go to the three most popular article directories, and and, in each case, look at articles in your targeted niche and pay attention to the “most viewed.”
This will give you a good idea of the specific topics within your niche that are popular and being viewed daily.
5. YouTube
Use the words of your targeted niche and concentrate on the videos with the most views.
However, you should focus on the videos that show how to do something or how to fix or solve a problem. That way you are tapping into people’s questions and concerns.
Once you are armed with the information above you are already ahead of most of your competitors who just guess.
Take these steps and identify niches within a market or to see what interest there might be in a new product idea you have.
Doing this research upfront will stack the odds in your favor and help your business take off from the start saving many lost hours scratching your head and saving money on products people don’t actually want.


Ebriks Infotech:-SEO Firms in India 

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