Tuesday 19 February 2013

Digital Marketing Tips For Lawyers By EBriks Infotech

Ebriks SEO Firms India Share Some Information. In today's scenario of ever-changing technological age, the internet has revolutionized the way in which business is conducting. For law firms, the time has never been more crucial to establish a web presence. Not only by online advertising, one can increase visibility but it also helps in creating varied other ways for promoting services. Also, it has emerged as a standard by which business is judged by potential customers. By correctly identifying the tools the online media provides, you can easily get a quick advantage in the highly competitive market. In this guide, EBriks Infotech will share top digital marketing tips for lawyers, which in turn will help in building a web presence.

·         Thoroughly review your website- With the presence of many different online platforms, particularly social networks, like, twitter, facebook, linkedin, etc., lawyers have unlimited options as to where they should invest most of their online marketing budget and time. While, you may find some great opportunities, it is pertinent that your website should still be the focal point of all your digital marketing activities. So, you should ensure that your website generates desired results. Is your website optimised for search? Is it updated regularly? Can you track visitors activities? Can you find out who signed up for your newsletter? It is crucial that your website should meet all these requirements.

·         Realise the potentiality of smart phones and tablets- The number of people using the PCs for accessing the Internet will see a downfall in the coming years, with numbers of mobile users steadily rising. Responsive web design or optimising website to support both smart phone and tablet, is one area which should be given due weightage.

·         Keep abreast with latest google and other algorithm updates- 2012 year had witnessed some significant Google algorithm updates. The panda, penguin and exact match domain updates have transformed SEO strategies. It means that those who were using black hat techniques were out from the search rankings and those who gave valuable content, jumped above their rivals. This year is also likely to see some significant changes and it is important that you stay ahead of these changes.

·         Indulge into blogging- The good and optimized content will be king in 2013. In the absence of consistent blogging or content generation strategy, you will lose out the battle. Also, you should remember that content isn't only about words. One image is worth of 1000 words.

·         Pay-per clicks- If you haven't tried it before, you will be more keen to test both google and facebook ads. You can simultaneously run two different ads and can keep a watch on results. You will be amazed to find out that even small wording differences can have a big difference. 

Ebriks Infotech:-SEO Firms India

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